3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Making a Big Decision in Your Business
Jan 30, 2024
One of the big distinctions between successful business owners and those just scraping by is the ability to take decisive action. But it's not always easy to make big decisions in business, especially when you don't have the tools to do so.
Tune in for 3 questions to ask yourself to gain clarity when trying to make the best decision for your business and an example of how I used these questions to make a tough decision in my business recently.
If you've been looking for a sounding board, a little guidance, someone to ask you the tough questions so you can move the needle in your business... I'd love to help you through private business coaching. Book a free clarity call to find out if this is the right next step for you.
Key Takeaways
- Your bigger vision should drive every decision you make. It's easy to get sucked in by the idea of a quick win or instant gratification - but the slow, steady pursuit of the long-term goal is the only thing that's going to get you where you want.
- Your audience is always at the core. If an action isn't going to serve your people, it's not worth doing.
- We're humans, and that means sometimes our feelings get the better of us. Sometimes you need to take a step back before making a decision to make sure emotions aren't clouding your strategic judgment.
Resources Mentioned
- Book your free clarity call to find out if private business coaching is your next step
- Watch the free masterclass
- Follow Amy on Instagram @artfulcontracts
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